How I Help Authors

help for first time author

Help for Authors

Get the help you need through every stage of the writing and publishing process — from concept to completed book.


My Process

Work directly with me one-on-one. From one- to two-day intensives to ongoing support with coaching calls, review sessions, comprehensive editing and publishing assistance.
My Zoom Power Hour Plan is ideal for those who want to work with me but are not yet ready to commit to a full intensive.


Workshops & Writing Retreats

Whether this is your first or fifth novel, both my Virtual Guided Novel Writing Retreat and my 8-week Sharpening Your Manuscript Workshop provide you a path to a publishable novel. You will get hands on, expert coaching directly from Diane in a small, intimate group conducted over Zoom.

Self Publishing

Self Publishing

For those who have undergone our editing process and are ready to take charge of their publishing career, we offer the chance to publish through Station Square Media, an imprint dedicated to independently published authors.

You don’t have to worry about a thing. We take care of all of the details.


Writing tips & Videos

Are you a first-time writer? Here are a few tips that may help you along the road to publishing success.

Public Speaking2

Speaking Engagements

Diane is a dynamic speaker who loves to share her knowledge and passion for writing and publishing. She has given speeches and workshops throughout the country, geared especially for first-time authors.

Contact Diane

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